Posts in Sunday Intentions
How Getting Dress Impacts Your Business Profitability

Do you feel like some of the day gets away from you with to-do’s  and routine tasks that could easily be avoided or done in advance? 

Being profitable in your business is all about maximizing your efforts, making as much money as you can with as little time, effort, energy, and resources utilized. 

One of the best ways that I do this is to be on top of my calendar and cut out the daily task of preparing my outfits. 

This means, no last-minute changes and coordinating appointments. No appointments that get blown off or me sitting on the zoom call because we haven’t confirmed. 

This also means that every morning, I have clarity on what is coming up, so I can ease into the day. 

I shared a video yesterday on my Instagram page about how I spend just a few minutes on a Sunday evening to pick out my outfits. 

This is all about making decisions for the next 5 days ahead of time. I spend about 10 minutes incorporating the weather forecast, glancing my calendar for meetings and appointments, and having already picked out the days when I have a work-day with cozy and comfortable clothing.

You can do this with your food prep, your exercise prep (by laying out your workout clothes), or with your daily journal prompts. 

This whole experience leaves me feeling prepared more than anything else I can imagine. I have an awareness of what’s coming up, as well as intentionally setting my outfits for the way I want to show up each day, making a visual representation of what I want the day to be. 

Most importantly, this helps me to eliminated wasted energy, franzy, or time in the mornings as my outfits are already picked out, prepared, and ready to go. 

With this level of preparedness, I also can glance my calendar to see what appointments or events I have, so I am always thinking ahead on what I need to get ready for. Or, I can see what’s double-booked, what I can move around, and how I can save even more time with big gaps between meetings or having all of my work-time/ meeting times on just one day. 

What do you think about this idea? Can you cut out any distracting tasks like planning what to EAT, WEAR, or taking your schedule day-by-day instead of week-by-week? 

We will dive even deeper into your schedule, what actually happens in your business, and what to cut-out during this upcoming CEO Days happening May 3rd, 2023! 

5 Reasons to Niche Down Your Business

A niche is a smaller segment of your business focus, audience, and offerings. Niching-down is the strategic process of taking your more general, broad business services and offerings into a more specific, targeted, and direct portion of those people. 

Think of a photographer focusing on newborn portraiture only instead of capturing that PLUS weddings, events, and headshots. Think of a dessert shop focusing on craft cookies instead of being a full-service bakery. 

The biggest benefit of your brand becoming more of a niche business is being known for something specific. This makes referring to your business incredibly easy for others. This also makes you receive the time freedom back in your business knowing that you are completely focused on serving one client need at a time. And finally, this process provides more fun when you are staying “in your zone of genius!” 

Talk to any social media strategist and guide who are observing the algorithms at a technical level, or any network marketing leader who will tell you their success stories- it’s all about getting as specific as possible!

From a marketing perspective- niching down makes creating content done in half the time, taking out the guesswork, and preparing speaking engagements feel so much lighter & quicker when you know exactly what fewer topics you want to present.

Here is what’s possible when you niche down!

  1. Ultimate Profitability- being a niched-down business is a way to discover profitability because you are focused, clear, and making decisions with a business mindset of “what’s working” vs “spending trial-and-error on what’s not working”.

  2. Exponentially more clarity for you & audience- This makes referrals easier, messaging a breeze, and when your customers and community members hear what you have to say, there is so much less friction and head-scratching with how they understand you.

  3. Spending your resources in the most direct way - If you know you don’t want to show up to certain events, be on social media platforms that you both don’t enjoy and where your audience isn’t- it’s such an easier decision to make when you have your niche determined and clarified.

    Think of all the time you get back from worrying about what you are missing out on- no more of that!

  4. Known for something that will increase your brand recognition- How would you like to be remembered for your niche instead of the random ideas and thoughts that keep popping into your head that always feel like a change in direction?

    The brains of folks who are receiving this message just may not “stick” as well as if you were niched down!

  5. Most passionate & more fun - More indirectly, you will start to experience only working and spending time in activities, around the focus of what you love best. This happens as a byproduct of niching down - try it and I cannot wait for you to experience this! 


If you are just considering this as a possibility, you may be ready to start to niche down your business and become a specialist with these simple 5 ways to niche your business! 

At first, this can feel like a squeeze- it can feel like the process of niching down is eliminating the potential of a larger pool. But, I want to show you how thinking that way, it’s only just a scarcity mindset cutting in and that you are actually speaking powerfully to fewer people when you aren’t being more direct, more of a niche. 

What is your niche?

Do you need to work on your business niche with a strategy session? Get Started Here! 

Build Your Community on Your Own Platform

Are you trying to put all of your eggs in one basket, building a business on rented land?

Take any industry in history and that’s always never a great idea for a sustainable business model.

I’d like to encourage you to use marketing to invite people into your community, however, taking the proper steps on getting the community established and on a platform that is entirely yours.

Dana Magnus shares why building a community on rented land can easily implode in your face after recent complaints from users on social media attest to unfair policy changes.

There are many resources such as an Email List, Patreon or Mighty Networks, learning platforms and more that aren’t social media. However, you must always download your data so you can upload your customer list in a flash, capturing birthdays, addresses, phone numbers, websites, and more.

CSV files filled with accurate, up-to-date, relevant customer information is truly the new version of having 100k followers!

Do you take enough ADVENTURES to keep your business EVOLVING?

Do you ever feel like you have been too stale, stagnant, or just plain old rusty at what you are doing?

I know that owning a business gives me two ways to feel:

  1. FEELING INCREDIBLE: Having an outlet to fully create new things from my bursting, innovative ideas to express my value, service. All while challenging myself to provide a stream of income replacement from the 9-5 job that still offers so much time and support for me and my family, along with my self-esteem and fulfillment of what I love doing.


2. FEELING OVERWHELMED & STUCK/ LOST. It goes hand-in-hand with having almost TOO much control and choice that when new ideas pop-up, I can’t help but feel a little derailed and distracted from operating a business focused on the bottom line. Afterall, there is so much fun to be had and good to be done outside of just the operations, revenue-generation, and marketing!

What I have learned after this month of working with attendees at CEO Day’s March event and building our workbook, being involved fully in discussions and providing marketing content that was opening conversations around this topic, that businesses need adventure too!

My husband and I have been discussing that too much “human” in our business can often time take away from the mission and the bottom line if not being intentional about the focus.

I used to completely argue with him about this, but lately, I have seen this coming more true as I dove too deep into transforming everything about the way I ran my business, and doing so too frequently.

I work with my clients to provide a direction to a larger vision, a bird’s eye view of the big picture, while still keeping adventure and spontaneity in marketing along the way during the day-to-day.

Are you feeling VALUABLE enough- try to add some more adventure to what you are already doing! 


Do you take the path of least resistance.... or blaze your own?

Are you stuck in a stale habit & routine that isn’t working anymore?  

Lately, have you edited anything about your





or workflow?

Do you feel like the impact you are making on your big mission isn’t where you want it to be?

Does the problems of the world get you feeling actionable or keep you feeling small, stuck or depressed?

Are you surrounded by people who don’t challenge, inspire, or motivate you?

Does the number in your bank account make you feel proud of the hard work you are putting forth?

When you look at your life, do you as, “is this what I really wanted to build for myself- is this really “it”? 

Do you see a clear vision for “what’s next”? 

When you wake up in the morning, how often do you spring out of bed with new ideas that you can’t wait to jot down?

Does the way you run your business feel “enough”?

If you liked this exercise, imagine how much more we can dive deeper with a 1-1 strategic session for your marketing. I’m happy to take a look at what you wrote down and make some actionable steps and suggestions for you in your Q2 marketing plan for this year! 

  • Dana