Posts tagged values
5 Silver-Lining Results that came out of COVID -19 based on my values

The good old saying that talks about “we always want what we don’t have” is starting to really drive me nuts. It literally will make you insane if you focus on everything you do not have, the things you lack, and what has been taken away from you.

I’m not going to try to put this lightly

but the Corona Virus changed our entire everything- This shit has been difficult. I spent most of last week freaking out about the plan going awry- and this past week focusing on redeveloping everything for myself and my clients. I’m exhausted. I’m really excited. And I’m ready to keep going.

One thing I am finally able to process at this moment is what good I can appreciate from it all. It’s taken us all on a journey and our reactions, emotions, energy (extroverts- I FEEEEEL you so much right now), and shift in all of the planning we’ve ever done up until now has been a wild ride.

For the enneagram 8’s, the human design 5/2’s and the social extroverts (all like me)- I want to tell you that we need to slow down and take the grip off the steering wheel. Like- just relax.

Two weeks ago, my husband and I had our last dine-out meal to celebrate his brother’s 26th birthday. The birthday where you get kicked off your parent’s insurance plan. The last meal where we were mid-course and the news came in that all Chicago/ Illinois restaurants were going to have their dine-in closed for the time being until who knows when.

It was a bit strange talking about this with the culinary artists/performers at Benihana right around us that had to have their game face on and couldn’t respond to the fact their entire next three weeks were going to be completely different. They may not even have their job- they definitely were going to wake up in a new world. But this is a weird time in our world, in this life, to have these conversations.

Now, mind you out, 50% of our table were aged & to be considered “at-risk” for this spreading virus and I had this eerie feeling that we actually might meet out for the last time in a while to keep them safe.

At that moment, I realized that instead of valuing this time and celebrating, this stupid ping on our phones and newsflash changed an enjoyable time to a feeling of such fear and scarcity. I had been focused so much on what was about to be taken away- all else was hard to grasp. This was just the beginning.

MKTG brand reflections on coronavirus

The rest of the week happened and things got worse before they got better. You can relate, huh? You remember the week of March 16th, right?

I am so glad we can move past this unknown now, but I learned a few things about my values that I have not really taken into account as much before.

  1. Relaxation can be a thing - and no one needs to guilt you for it, including yourself.

  2. Your business can be gone in seconds- life is so much more than work - so imagine how you can diversify your mission outside of what you do for your clients/customers.

  3. What the hell - I make marketing plans but never create a “plan B” for stuff- new service offering being added to the business!!

  4. Human is what we are- things happen and this is life. Let’s keep moving forward and adapt.

MKTG Brand Quotes Illness coronavirus response covid19 marketing ethical marketing chicago

A few positives came out of the world & economy being shut down as it relates to what’s going on at The MKTG Brand:

  • (This NEVER happens) but we was gifted an additional 6 months of time to make my #MKTGRetreat even more amazing and to market it to new people and give some people on the fence a bit more time to decide if they are coming or not. My gas pedal has been to the floor on this- and I’m so glad I can take my foot off a bit from selling.

  • I didn’t want to say, “I told you so ANYWHERE” but with you intimately here- all of the mission-driven marketing, human-to-human messaging, and focusing on diversifying your marketing touch-points finally showing up as an urgency now - I hope it is not too late for some of you who have been following me and not taken action with these principles. I’m just so glad to see this being tangible and I’m able to help!!

  • Working from home is something I’ve mastered years ago- this was nothing new-ish

  • My husband and I don’t have kids, yet, so it felt business as usual for the most part with our routine

  • More people and their mother are taking this time to focus on marketing & how to create all of the content with these extra opportunities to virtually connect- so I’ve been extremely busy

  • Most importantly- all of the pressure I put on myself and from others seemed to have been lifted because we all got the slap of reality that life is so short and we should be slowing down to prioritize a bit more.


Creating these graphics was just a little peek at what I’ve been up to in terms of creating my own content and new website additions. I hope you get excited about what you’ve already started to see in Your Ethical Business Group, my Instagram profile, and some upcoming posts happening this week.

What have you been through the last two weeks? How can you find the silver lining in it all and stop focusing on what is gone or what we are about to lose? What is it that you need the most to keep “normal” as enjoyable as you can make it in these moments during lockdown & economic catastrophe?