Posts tagged missiondrivenmarketing
I have a DREAM (this is my MISSION)



I have a dream to redistribute the power of consumerism to small businesses.

The way I plan to do this is to guide business owners to share their MISSION throughout their marketing and help them to do their marketing to win the number of customers they need to grow & and sustain a healthy business.

In turn, this will empower more small businesses & and entrepreneurs to thrive, spend more time with their families, and get closer to God.

I want to help small businesses gear up for a big, positive change to diminish the waste & and excess consumerism that funds BIG BRANDS who are splurging a corporate owner's 5th yacht and 3rd vacation house- it's just not sustainable.

"If everyone can make a healthy $500k a year, retire their spouse, play with their kids, fix up their homes, spend more time outside, and live off their small community food source," I think!

We do this by working hard, ourselves, and reaching our potential by utilizing our resources to the max, with no handouts, no shortcuts.

In my vision, there will be more incentive to create wealth and opportunity with your own two hands, resulting in a greater impact on families, smaller communities, and local economies.

Disease and behavioral disorders will decrease in children, who have more time with their nurturers and caretakers at home, be nourished with love and fresh food, and see positivity from their parents who will guide them as an example.

We can make even more change with this shift in power away from large corporate multi-billionaires and government that currently own our headspace, our money, and decisions, and do the things we want to do as a smaller community with resilience to handle pressing issues and local affairs.

Not to mention, giving more of the "little guys" building wealth for their own families the resources to better their lifestyle away from a paycheck-to-paycheck environment, grow their food, and nourish themselves and their families to health & and and their fullest potential.

I have a big, wild, and ambitious goal to support over 100,000 small business entrepreneurs through my free & paid level of the program, CEO Days,

and I won't stop trying to create the change I want to see in the world by helping these people THRIVE in their businesses!

What is your dream, what is your mission?

Learn these 3 Tips from 🔥 FLAME COLORED Birds about your Business

Signal 🦩 LEAVE ME ALONE to work On your Business!

Today, we are learning from 🦩 FLAMINGOS 🦩

In the most polite way, we often need to be asked for space or just some downtime, because our soul is craving to be fulfilled by rest. 


In honor of one of my favorite topics is sharing tips about sustainability in our businesses, let's discuss how these brilliant birds often lose their vibrancy. 


Flamingos get their “pink” vibrancy from their food. And, while feeding others with their resources, such as when they become new parents and provide for their chicks, they can lose this pigment due to their nutrients depleting. 

 Parent flamingos often lose their pink because of the amount of intensity & and care that go into raising their chicks. The loss of vibrancy of their pink color signal to others, “I’m a bit exhausted- please leave me alone for a while,” and it’s a lesson we can take away to share with others. 

Sometimes, we need to tell others to leave us alone- we are tending to other things at the moment. 

Setting boundaries is a fantastic means of self-care. It doesn’t mean you don’t love everyone- it simply means that your energy is currently spent taking care of something that is a priority to you, oftentimes, for survival. 


Could you imagine if just for 30 days, or some period of time, you could let your business “not be bothered” by anything new or taxing in order to do these three things: 

  1. Rest. Simply recoup the energy from constantly being in producing / production and DOING

  2. Re-Organize. Getting a bit more focused on the big picture as you venture into a brand new year often means de-cluttering, moving things around, and taking time to simply be alone to sort out things.

  3. Re-Inspire yourself & and your business. Getting new perspectives by taking this time to renew your energy & and resources helps you to think clearer, and create more uniquely.

Self-care and being able to sustain your business oftentimes means telling others, “Phew, I need a little bit of a break, please give me some space to figure this out.”  

After becoming a parent of 2 this summer, MORE for me meant more flexibility, not necessarily more hours or more dollars. I needed to be smarter with the time I spent doing things for my business, but this still takes a LOT out of a person to try to navigate anything MORE. 

 So, my resources often get spent in other places and my “chicks” need me a lot for their own survival.

 What does this look like for you? What areas of your life have full hue, and what other areas are desaturated? 

 Nature never lets us down by providing countless lessons that we can relate to our businesses. After all, for millions of years, species have found a way to survive and thrive through all of the changing conditions.

 From signals and songs, to quite literally changing one's appearance, we, as humans, can definitely take these examples as ways to survive and thrive into new seasons of life.

This is what November's CEO Days is all about!

I can help you through this each month with a way to reflect, grow, and be intentional about the actions you want to take to become more aligned and do this every 30 days at a time at CEO Days.


This upcoming month’s theme, “Sustainable Self-Care,” you will be creating the space for dormancy and taking care of the things you need to for the best version of you!


Hope to see you there!