Posts tagged email
What is your Relationship with being Intentional?

Welcome to Sunday Intentions | May 10th Intention 



a thing intended; an aim or plan

Finally; a little less chaos.  

I’ve started to shift my own plan on what regular, more juicy content I’ve need to show up for you with. I want to share with you after a two-month pause from sending emails, blogs, or doing any writing at all. It was SO needed.

March 16th may have otherwise felt like January 1st all over again with an opportunity to create a whole new business plan in this entirely new world. 

Maybe it comes as a surprise to you that your marketing planner here wants to give you more of a PLAN for the week to help shape your marketing- hmm, I think this feels about right! What do you think? 

If marketing is a call for “more,” than the plan to get more starts with having a purpose for what “more” is. Each week, we will be adding to the theory of what exactly more is defined as for our own selves. 

Why being intentional matters in marketing

The 7 years of marketing for companies other than my own, the idea of having this obligatory department called, “marketing” was always deemed to drive MORE as a quantitative thing. Never a qualitative thing.

The problem with my work started before I even began a single strategy, shared a post, or sent out a communication piece. There was always something missing from the start.

WIth The MKTG Brand, I decided that the beginning of all marketing needed a powerful start. A plan. And to lead with a powerful purpose. This made it incredibly difficult to feel any sense of satisfaction from even the most successful marketing campaigns created. It was a complete disconnect of purpose, plan, & execution. I do not want this for you!

As I am a completely different marketing strategist than I’ve been, using mission-driven marketing really is all about being more focused on creating a community & building alignment with qualities of human interaction & purpose. 

Being intentional with your marketing, your business, and the purpose on this planet is my goal for you to work toward as a process to shape the life you want to lead. 

Thus, this series is brought to you to kick-off Sunday Intentions from here on out.

I intend to lead you more with ways to get your mindset right about growth, how to approach growth efficiently, and to feel good about growing every step of the way using marketing that connects more than just a customer & transaction together. 

This week’s intention begins with your reflection: 

State your relationship with intentions- have you tried using them before?
Do they work for you?
Are you open to using this shift in the world in a pandemic to center back into yourself to follow your own intentions more closely? 

Intention for the Week 5.10.2020

This week, I will notice & embrace my deep purpose in my business & pay attention to where it's strongest, and where it's most weak in my day-to-day communication with the rest of the world

Live an intentional & purpose-driven week ahead,
