Social Media Marketing Ideas

Content Marketing Ideas MKTG Brand Chicago Content Marketing


for leaders of movements, businesses, or tribes

Posting everyday? Not seeing enough WOW in your marketing?

Trying new things to excite, educate, and empower your audience in fresh ways can really uplift things for you?

If you’ve been only on video- try adding some more visuals or words to your postings!
If you’ve been only writing words- try exploring videos!
If you’ve been only posting quotes - try using more infographics, storytelling, or photos of you!

Either way, if something isn’t working- we have to adapt!

The very best way to know what to do efficiently is just ask your audience- take polls, surveys, or get on a 1 on 1 chat for 15 minutes with a few of your top followers and ask them what they’d like to hear more about from you!

Here are some ideas:


❏ Gather your top 10 favorite quotes, write them down and include two big ideas from them. Share that quote every 6 months with a different reflection/ graphic on it. 

❏ Who have you lifted up recently? Even if you want to create a “shout out” to someone in your immediate or local community, spend a post featuring people who you think live out your brand mission! 

❏ Are there any direct competitors you have? Spend a few posts being the “different brand” by sharing their specific expertise, and then outlining yours in a much more powerful, yet encouraging way. We demonstrate collaboration, not scarcity mindset

❏ Do you own a favorite clothing item or accessory that shows off your brand colors? How about a piece of furniture or a song that just reminds you of your brand? Sprinkle those in a few times per week to change up the biz talk and bring your brand into a real-life scenario. Afterall, if your brand is cool and calming, maybe every time someone sees ice cream, they think of YOU! 

❏ The “3 times a charm” method. If you are trying to announce something (anything) in your social media journey, give the anticipation post, the “in the moment” post, and then the reflection post. That way, if people missed you the first time, they can really tune in and not miss any updates from you

❏ Reintroduce yourself, your story, and your mission as many times as possible over the six months. If you can think of splitting your story up in 4 different parts, you can elaborate on that one part each quarter. What about how you named your products? How you chose your brand’s look and feel, or even what came out of your big launch in your business? Sharing what you may be obvious, could be a breath of fresh air for people who are either just tuning in, or others who have been following you that still are unclear about what exactly you do what you do. 

❏ Testimonials - split them up into 3 or 4 different key statements and weave them into your post captions or create new posts for them. 

❏ “What if”scenarios. Paint the scene of what the world would be like if your business did not exist or if it existed as a household name. Circle back with encouragement and solutions to keep telling the story about your brand and your mission.