Power Words & Phrases for the Year

Your Power Word for 2022 with Dana (woman with crossed arms)

Powerfully declare what your year will be in a word or phrase.

Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful celebration reflecting on 2021! Do you feel ready to “TURN ON” your most impactful year yet in your business?

My power word for 2022 is “MASTERY”
I know this past year tested me in so many ways and although my profitability and performance weren’t anything to put on the shelf, I’m beyond grateful for the lessons that helped shape a new direction for me to focus on in 2022.

I want to fulfill all of the things I’ve started with an approach to master the skills, the intentions, and the systems that I had initiated over the last 2 years and make more prideful & profitable results from my efforts.

How about you?

If you are someone who just can’t get with the idea of mapping out a giant complicated, multi-layered plan for your marketing or your business, you may want to take a small, very small, effort to set a powerful direction for yourself.

Words are powerfully linked to our subconscious and conscious mind

If your brain hears a certain word, you assign meaning. You recall experiences. And you feel what that word means emotionally and physically in your body.

What if each day you can wake up and make a small statement or phrase around ONE word that you wish to assign to 2022?

How can that one word said every day give you a nudge in the direction you desire to think/feel/ act on?

Select ONE word and make a commitment to using it regularly

To start a brand new year, I want to give you one challenge- pick a single word to name 2022.

Next, each morning, each start of the week, or at the beginning of each month, create a phrase that assigns meaning around that word. Make those your written verbal, and visual pledges to yourself that you can use to stay in alignment with what you desire the year to be.

Use these words + phrases in your marketing

Have you heard of the Law of Attraction? It’s about pulling inward what you desire, who you desire, and manifesting outcomes that help make anything possible!

What you are putting out there is what you are going to receive back. Using the MKTG Dashboard Process, a MKTG Brand Strategic tool, you can plug your words and phrases as themes and sub-themes into your marketing plan, making your intentions front and center of everything you are talking about.

The best part about being consistent being clear, and being communicative about the things and words you are sharing is that people will receive this, understand this about you, and start to associate that powerful word or phrase with your branding. It’s such a beautiful thing!

Being Intentional

Keeping your intentions small and bite-sized, like using just one word at a time, is what I hope to encourage empowerment and confidence in you so that you can be all that you need to be in order to live out your business + life’s mission this year.

If you’d like to learn more about setting regular intentions, make sure to subscribe to the Sunday Intentions newsletter!