10-Minute Warm-Up Activities to Maximize Your Profit

What can you do in just 10 minutes or less to maximize your productivity and profitability this week?!

Getting the motivation or focus to initiate your “flow” can take a warm-up activity or two. But, once you are going on your way, you will access the higher version of your work, your focus, and produce even more per minute, so you can do more in less time! 

Follow these tips just before you get started, as you begin your work day: 

  1. Simply review what your focus areas are: look at your numbers, your vision for the year, your power word or phrase or your power partners. Looking at those things that help motivate you and fuel your energy will help you get back on track and it just takes 10 minutes to look at everything that you need to make the most impact you can this week 

  2. My favorite is the brain dump. Just spend 10 minutes jotting down everything that's on your mind, both for your business and your personal, And then go through and circle the priorities that you have on that list. How do you know which are “priorities”?! 

    Start by asking yourself what is the most game changing thing I could do to get me closer to my goal this week. And that breakdown is a great exercise to just lay out everything and clear your brain for all distractions before you start work.

  3. The least amount of fun, but most rewarding is to just eat the frog, an expression that means getting things done! JUST go for it. Take your most daunting, difficult time consuming tasks that you have that you know is going to pay you dividends in the long run and just start get it done and spend 10 minutes getting into the zone by starting the task and that momentum will keep you moving forward to bring it to the end and finish it.

I hope you enjoy these three tips and how to spend 10 minutes or less on getting even more close to your profitability zone and your focus for this week ahead. Have a great week.