Understand the Opportunity of PROFITABILITY

Let's talk about PROFIT and how much you understand about it. One question I'll start by asking you- 

Are you charging enough for your work- and is that plenty of money left for you to create happiness, expansion, and opportunities?


This can be a really strange question to be asked, I understand. But, we can't thrive as CEO's of a great business if we aren't focused on understanding our profit, and the opportunities it can bring us. 

Are you holding yourself back because you don't have enough profit to grow?

Do you find yourself struggling to master marketing because you aren’t sure of what exactly you’d like to GROW in your business?

Profit can fuel new energy & freedom, allow you to make decisions to create even more abundance, and to celebrate in a bigger way, all that you’ve achieved.

  • Profit also gives us the opportunity of an upgrade - to hire team, upgrade our technology, and access resources that improve our operations.

  • Profit also can be given back as a reward - money to our personal lives as distributions, if setup as a s-corp entity, which allows our lifestyle to enhance in ways that you can interpret. It also helps feeling less worried about the next paycheck, providing more sleep at night and the ability to breathe.


Now, money cannot buy happiness, but profit can get you off the wheel. Profit an help you to access resources that support your wellbeing, relieve the anxieties of trying to hustle all the time. Do you agree this is all connected?


If you have ever ran your numbers for the year, time-tracked the hours you’ve actually worked, and calculated what was “leftover” after taxes, expenses, and paying yourself a livable wage, you will experience the number of PROFIT you are giving yourself.


Profit isn't always easy to obtain if you aren't ready to be profitable. 

Unfortunately, comparing yourself to competitors and having (and not always realizing) a scarcity mindset are the two most popular things I hear when working with my clients that get in the way of more profit, and ultimately, happiness.


I hear, & once believed, too, that if you are “just starting out, so you should charge an introductory rate” isn’t a mindset I’d advise for you. If you have these beliefs, we only have a few days left to schedule a strategy session at ½ off for the month of March (you can redeem until June!).


So, if you have not yet discovered the profitability of your services and the amount of hours you desire to work, take a moment this week to reflect on this. Find a resource that helps to uncover your profit, such as a cost of doing business analysis. 


See where you are leaking your energy, money, and where opportunities that you truly desire are not being seized as you truly intend to.


What did you think about this?


Be hopeful as I do know that each day, we have an opportunity to make a decision to either stop or start anything we want to in our business- no one is making the rules for us besides… ourselves


What questions does this leave you with? I’d love for you to join us this upcoming month at CEO Days on April 3rd, or schedule a time with me for a 1-1 Strategy Session at half price to specifically hone in on your marketing direction.

Dana Magnus