Are you Checking-In with your Marketing?

Here are a few questions (somewhat like we use at CEO Days) that I want you to reflect on in your marketing before we kick off a brand new month:

The importance of doing this is to take a clearer look at this concept:
“Am I solving the RIGHT problems or am I just assuming I know what I am to do?”

- If I did an elementary school show and tell, would the kids be totally lost with what job I have?
- If I could walk into a room, do I really know who I am looking to connect with and what to say to them?
- If I had a bunch of leads flooding my inbox, do I really know how to prioritize people based on my understanding of what they need from me?
- What have I been not saying in my marketing and who does my message need to get out in front of?
- Am I really doing all that I can or am I sincerely doing the bare minimum when it comes to asking powerful questions and getting myself to take action, even if that is asking for help?
- What is taking priority in my life right now that is directly impacting the growth of my business? Do i feel amazing about this?
- What do I need to work on each week at MKTG Group for the month of February?
- Am I skipping out on the MKTG Dashboard because I really...

Well, a few of these may really get the wheels turning, or may not, but just take a look at the progress you’ve made for yourself and in your business over the last 25 days of the start to this year (whoa, 25 days!?)

This isn’t a wake-up call to scare you, instead, just a helpful nudge to think about what intentions we can set for each calendar invite you have for MKTG Group and to maximize this program for your benefit.

Dana Magnus