Questions to Ask before you RSVP


Have you ever gone to an event and wondered,


“This is a waste of my TIME that I’d rather be doing anything else!”

With the increasing amount of webinars, workshops, and free meet-up’s, let’s get one thing straight- your time is your TIME & money is waiting for you somewhere else!

If you find yourself looking back on your week, month, or year having spent the time to show up, but just in the wrong spaces, places, and conversations, here is a list of questions to ask yourself before committing your precious time to these events!

It seems to me that sometimes I attend something for the wrong reasons and quickly regret being there.

I’ve spent over a decade as a well-liked, but not as highly paid entrepreneur as I’d like to be. After feeling defeated and frustrated one too many times, I realized that I was just putting myself in the wrong rooms due to a lack of intentionality or alignment with the result I was hoping for.

For the sake of you being able to sleep in, not be so drained, and pay yourself more in both time, energy, and money as a CEO day, I hope that these questions are part of your regular routine to make a bigger difference in the way you are operating your business!

When looking at the event invitation:

Do I understand what this event is really about?

Am I helping myself or doing a favor for someone?

Is it crucial that I am there? 

What is expected of me to be fully present at this event? 

On a scale of 1-10, what priority is this on my list of commitments?

What is the cost to show up (financial, time, commitment, energy)?

What is the actual opportunity for me to be there?

Is there something besides this event that at the time, is a better use of attaining my goals?

If I were to go to this event: 

What will I be experiencing?

What will I be gaining?

Who will I be serving?

What pockets am I adding money to?

Who will be there?

Who will I be associated with if I attend?

Who will I meet? 

What will I say to the people I meet?

What do I want to be known as when I leave the room?

When preparing for the event:

What should I wear (in my branding for this group)?

What should I bring? 

Will I have time before the event to mentally charge myself with an intention and reflection?

Will I have time after the event to reflect on it and make any necessary follow up?

Ultimately, who do I want the result to be out of attending this event?

Each month, CEO’s & brand influencers of their movements and enterprises meet with me regularly to get more intentional about where we spend our time and how we grow our businesses. If you’d love to be part of this community, find more resources for working ON your business at CEO Days!