My February Goals- Make more Human Marketing Possible for World Leaders

Marketing Retreat Chicago 2020 Ethical

I get it- we've been on the social media lifestyle for about a decade now for most of us Millenials and even some business owners- but what have we really done for society?

Now with the increasing rate of demand for social good in our world with movements such as B Corporation and Conscious Capitalism, yet I see us small business marketers build a foundation of habits around growing their business that feels like the complete opposite.

Let me introduce you to myself- I'm Dana Magnus, challenger of ethical marketing and psychological outcomes of society due to manipulative advertising. As you will notice from my headline on LinkedIn - you will see my Enneagram is 8w7 - the total dragon personality type of them all that stands to change the world.

It's either the way I've been wired or my ability to observe and empathize that drives me to advocate for #MissionDrivenMktg for businesses to incorporate more social good in the way that they handle human interactions.

I lead two groups of small business entrepreneurs during a weekly accountability program called "The MKTG Tribe," and coach them to find the purpose behind each post and dig deeper into their passions, their sense of morality, and value human communication at a much higher level. During the last call, we discussed our themes for the month of what we wanted to focus on and mine is simple- bringing the human back into everything we do.


When I take over my own fears of feeling doubtful, inadequate, and unsure if I am capable of making such a change for society with what is about to happen in April, here in Chicago.

Yes, I said APRIL of this year.

It's called, "Mission-Driven MKTG Planning Retreat: Reconnecting with the Human Side of Business," taking place in Chicago's West Loop April 15th - 17th. Details>

I've designed, planned, paid for the deposits, and making damn sure the #MKTGRetreat happens! It's terrifying to think of how large, powerful, and monumental this moment of my life is to take on such an event.

Luxury comes second behind Fair Trade, Ethical, and Locally sourced (all of which are equally important) for each of the experiences this retreat will be facilitating. 10 entrepreneurs, marketing managers, and professional executives will be hand-selected after an application process to discuss communications, marketing, social media, and the effects on society and how we can mastermind to make changes we all believe should be realized.

As a result of the event, participants will become certified as a mission-driven marketer - leaving with a plan for marketing the rest of their year after shifting their own world-views and contributing to the development of ideas generated, shared and debated.

For more information on this event, I invite you to explore and apply, or reach out to me with any questions or information!

Earlybird Tickets until 2/15/2020

Dana Magnus